Funü zazhi
No. 011 (31 October, 1919)
Pages available: 1 - 170 (170 total)
婦女雜誌第五卷第十一號The Ladies Journal, vol. 5 no. 11
送禮佳品Good items for gift-giving
畫稿三幅Three pieces of paintings
旁氏白玉霜Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
旁氏白玉霜Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 張宗堯稽尚志伉儷Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ The couple of Zhang Zongyao and Ji Shangzhi
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 白思德列尹莊女士Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Ms. Baiside Lieyizhuang
愛讀婦女雜誌者小影/ 李吳英女士Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Ms. Li Wuying
常熟縣立女高小學運動優勝攝影Photo of the high-class winners of sports meeting in the provincial female elementary school in Changshu
浙江杭州有聲稱嬰孩自己藥片之功效者Someone from Hangzhou, Zhejiang has declared the effectiveness of the baby's own tablet
軍隊及旅行Army and travel
欲得家庭樂趣者不可不閱下列各書Those who desire for family happiness must read the following kinds of books
君毋專作幻夢You must stop dreaming
蚊蟲與瘧疾(續)Mosquitoes and malaria (continued)
女界必讀之書Must-read books for the women's circle
女界必讀之書Must-read books for the women's circle
華盛頓夫人晚年小影The small photo of Mrs. Washington in her later years
通俗教育畫Popular educational pictures
悔之晚矣It is too late to regret
我兒之日記The diary of my son
君子花彈詞(續)Gentleman flower Tanci (continued)
愛讀婦女雜誌者/ 長沙正聲日刊主任宋似我及其夫人Snapshot of the fans of The Ladies' Journal/ Song Siwo, the director of Zhengsheng daily in Changsha and his wife
請用國貨Please use national products
科學小識/ 水琴Little knowledge of science/ Xylophone
風俗畫Genre painting
世界新知識 The world's new knowledge
新年必備之品Must-haves for new year