No. 028 (23 September, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
女健兒身手驚人 — 二八少女嶄露頭角, 壓倒女同胞一洗積弱弊Those female athletes are amazingly skillful - a sixteen-year-old girl stands out conspicuously, overwhelming other female fellows and wiping out the humiliation of accumulated weakness
無恥之徒The unscrupulous
他的罪惡His sin
檢舉抄襲Report plagiarism to authorities
不該與你相遇I should not have met you
同病相憐Misery loves company
鑒別雞卵牛乳法Tips for differentiating (good) hen's eggs and cow's milk (from bad ones)
交際常識General knowledge on socializing
音樂器具保存法Tips for preserving music instruments
新家庭主婦之職務The duties of a modern housewife
害了妹妹Having harmed her little sister
水性楊花的女子Women of easy virtue
這樣損失雪茄Losing cigars like this
怎樣認識兒童How to understand children
釋夢(續)Interpretation of dreams (continued)
電影問答(續)Questions and answers on movies (continued)
愛的罪The sin of love
步行歷險記(未完)The trekking adventure (to be continued)
南錫卡洛的劣性Nancy Carroll's shortcomings
一筆瞻養費A sum of alimony
香豔的好萊塢Flowery Hollywood
偉大的問題A big issue
編輯者言Editor's note