No. 028 (23 September, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
尹平華女士近影A recent photo of Ms Yin Pinghua
女子田徑第一名張蘋先女士Ms Zhang Pingxian, winner of the first place in women's field and track
二百米跳遠第一之錢行素女士Winner of the first place in 200 metres' long jump Ms Qian Xingsu
孫曉霞女士之健強體格The strong and healthy physique of Ms Sun Xiaoxia
跳高第一之張寶瑾女士跳高時之姿勢The jumping posture of Ms Zhang Baojin, winner of the first place in high jump
推鉄球第一之韓琬璋女士Winner of the first place in put shot, Ms Han Wanzhang
跳遠第三之王雪華女士Winner of the third place in long jump Ms Wang Xuehua
韓琬璋女士推球之姿勢The posture of Ms Han Wanzhang putting the shot
朱文誠女士健美之體格Ms Zhu Wencheng's beautiful and healthy physique
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馬毓芳女士跑完二百米後.忽患腹痛.故臉現苦容Ms Ma Yufang suddenly had bellyache after the 200 metres race, so she wears a scowl on her face
女動員在帳蓬內穿鞋時之攝影Photograph of a sportwoman who puts on her shoes inside a tent
劉靜芳女士總分獲第五The total score of Ms Liu Jingfang who is at the fifth place
女子游泳比賽之四健將Four athletes of the women's swimming competition
女子跳欄及出發時之攝影Photograph of women's hurdle race and that of starting
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燙髮新樣(十一)埃及式Women's new hair perm styles (11): the Egyptian style
西人能以打字機打成圖畫.由此可見其打字藝術之高超.實有異乎常人者也This Westerner can draw a picture with a typewriter. Thus his superb typing skill can be seen. There are indeed people who are exceptional
譚延闓出殯時之攝影.穿黑衣者為其家族Photograph of Tan Yankai's funeral. People in black belong to his family
摩登裝飾品以玻璃吹成之模特兒A modern adornment, models made by blowing glass
自羊身取羊毛製成織物費時只需二時十分可見科學之昌明矣It takes only 2 hours 10 minutes to get wool from sheep and to make it into texiles. Thus it can be seen how well-developed science is.
一段樹幹造成獨木屋.由此可見樹之偉大矣A segment of a trunk is made into a wooden house. Thus it can been seen how great trees are
女童子軍沿途募捐以濟災民.圖示女子踴躍解囊之情形Girl scouts collect donations to provide relief for the people suffering from disasters. The photo shows the scene of women donating money enthusiastically
他雖然是一位小的兒童,但他卻有他獨立的個性和人格呢Although he is a small child, he has his independent personality
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上海市運動會女子百米競賽終點之攝影Photographs of the finish line of women's hundred metres race at the Shanghai sports meeting
聾秋霞女士之足尖舞Ms Long Qiuxia's toe dance
日本歌舞明星久米雅子近影A recent photo of Japanese singing and dancing star Jiumiyazi
東南女子排球隊立成圓圈形以備練習送球之攝影Photo of the women's volleyball team of Southeast (University) standing in a circle ready for practising ball passing
第三時期The third phase
第四時期The fourth phase
女子之第一時期The first phase of women
第二時期The second phase
裴司開登販賣長生果之神情The facial expression of Buster Keaton selling peanuts
當心男子之視線Beware of men's line of sight
日本銀幕新星濱口富士子麗影Photograph of Japanese new movie star Binkoufushizi
電影明星卡門彭司最近攝影A latest photograph of the movie star Carmen Barnes