No. 038 (02 December, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
劉家煒女士玉影Precious photo of Ms Liu Jiawei
馮蕙蘅女士玉照Precious photo of Ms Feng Huiheng
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
鎮江胡松亭女士玉影Precious photo of Ms Hu Songting from Zhenjiang
培成女校梁麗芳女士Ms Liang Lifang from Peicheng girls' school
光華大學陳美璣女士Ms Chen Meiji from Guanghua university
女子請願團出發之前攝影Photo taken before the women's petition group set off
侯美倫女士為愛讀本刊一份子,其大作曾見于攝影畫報三一三期,此影為女士寄贈本刊者Ms Hou Meilun is one of those who like reading our magazine. Her article has once appeared in issue three hundred and thirteen of Pictorial Weekly. This photo is sent by her as present for our magazine
時髦的學生裝Fashionable school uniform
踢踺子Kicking shuttlecock
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她是自然的羨慕者She is an admirer for nature
異性之吻Kiss from the other sex
好夢給電話驚醒了,原來就是夢裡的情人,電召去吃大菜去,這樣總算沒有惱怒了她She is woken up by the phone from a good dream. It turns out to be the lover in the dream, calling to invite her to a big meal. Thereby luckily it doesn't make her angry.
同性之吻Kiss with the same sex
新進女星爵卡特的豔容The beautiful look of the budding female star, Juekate
美國婦女燙髮新樣之二Women's new hair perm styles in the United States,part two
並駕齊驅Riding on the same horse
健美的體格是我國女子所需要的對於你的臉部不宜太看重A well-built physique is necessary for women in our country. Don't pay too much attention to your face.
矮克發軟片,必立捲片鏡箱,摩維克斯旅行家庭影片機Agfa soft film, Bili rolling-film mirror box, Moweikesi camera for travel and family
編輯者言Editor's note
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入水; 打高而夫球Diving; playing golf
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培根生髮香水Birch Hairwater, Hair-Tonic
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中國女星阮玲玉素以表情逼真名The Chinese female star Ruan Lingyu is always famous for her vivid facial expression
Evalyn Knapp愛弗令耐普因為有一對美的臂膊而成為一顆燦爛的明星Evalyn Knapp becomes a brilliant star because she has a pair of beautiful arms