Assistance and advisory services Services available at the start of your degree course

To all who are starting their studies at Heidelberg University – a warm welcome! Lots of questions arise at the very beginning of a degree course. How do I plan my classes? What can I do in my free time? Who will help me with all kinds of questions about my programme?

You will get answers in the many information sessions taking place around the start of degree-related activities. These events are mostly in the first two weeks before lectures begin. We wish you a good start at Heidelberg University.


Mentoring and Buddy Programs

First-hand information is available in the various mentoring and buddy programs offered at the University of Heidelberg.

Contact details for all departmental student committees

The university has departmental student committees for individual or combined subjects. Members of the departmental student committees are actively involved in trying to improve student life by, for example, helping to enhance the range of courses available, by organising information events such as introductory courses for first-year students, running student body meetings, and by organising parties, etc.

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