Emmy Noether-Nachwuchsgruppe

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Heidelberg University
Institute of Earth Sciences
Im Neuenheimer Feld 234
69120 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221 54-5983
Fax: +49 6221 54-5503


Past Ocean Dynamics

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Dr. Jörg Lippold, Research group leader


Research interests

  • climate dynamics and ocean circulation from glacial/interglacial to human development timescales
  • mechanisms and feedbacks of rapid climate changes
  • stability of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation
  • key parameters of biogeochemical cycles
  • deep sea sediments
  • analyses of radiogenic tracers in marine geochemistry


Institute of Earth Sciences
Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, Room: 503
69120 Heidelberg

+49 6221 54-5983

MSc. Lukas Gerber, PhD studentGerber


Institute of Earth Sciences
Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, Room: 505
69120 Heidelberg

+49 6221 54-6063



​​​Julian Granzow, Bachelor student


Institute of Earth Sciences
Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, Room: 502
69120 Heidelberg

+49 6221 54-5982


BSc. Manuel Ehnis, Master StudentManuel


Institute of Earth Sciences
Im Neuenheimer Feld 234, Room: 502
69120 Heidelberg

+49 6221 54-5982


​Former group members / students supervised by Jörg Lippold

Alisa Guschker, Bachelor Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2024, Project title: "Ein verbessertes Altersmodell für den Bohrkern ODP 929B anhand von 14C und δ18O für MIS 6 bis MIS 1".

Erik Schwabe, Bachelor Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2023, Project title: "Untersuchungen zum Island Mass Effect bei den Crozet Inseln mittels Opalanalysen".

Melina Hanne, Bachelor Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2023, Project title: "Analyse von Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in marinen Sedimenten des Atlantiks".

Dr. Ole Valk, PostDoc, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University (now at Stellenbosch).

Dr. Finn Süfke, PostDoc, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University (now at R+V Versicherungen).

Saskia Tautenhahn, Master Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2023. Project title: "Untersuchung der Partikelflüsse im Nordwest Atlantik während des MIS 1 und 2".

Elena Zwerschke, student-assistant.

Dr. Patrick Blaser, PostDoc, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University (now at University of Lausanne).

Jakob Pfannschmidt7, Bachelor Physics, Institute of Earth Sciences and Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2020. Project title: "Estimating past Atlantic Nd concentrations from variations in Nd isotopic compositions".

Jemma Skipton-Carter, Master Chemistry, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University and University of York, 2020. Project title: "Quantification of the Biogenic Silica Concentration of Ocean Sediments using X-ray Powder Diffraction".

Lydia Hohlbein, Bachelor Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2020. Project title: "Blei-Isotope vom Sedimentkern JPC15/27 als Verwitterungssignal des letzten Deglazials".

Maximilian Deeg, Bachelor Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2019. Project title: "Der Einfluss von hydrothermalen Quellen auf 231Pa/230Th am Mittelatlantischen Rücken.

Dr. Frerk Pöppelmeier, PhD in Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2019, Thesis title: "The Atlantic water mass structure since the Last Glacial Maximum: New insights from Nd isotopes" (now at University of Bern).

We congratulate  Frerk Pöppelmeier for receiving the Ruprecht-Karls Preis for his dissertation 2019 in our working group (Preisverleihung 2020).

Mara Neudert5, Bachelor Physics, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2019, Project title: "Insight on the role of Opal on the Pa/Th circulation proxy.", (now at University Bremen).

Rebecca Beutel, visiting student from University of Guelph, 2019, Project title: "Tracing continental dust in deep sea sediments"

Gideon Goetze5, Bachelor Physics, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2019, Project title: "Neodymium isotopic signature: Paleo scavenging versus water mass mixing."

Noam Vogt-Vincent, Exchange student from Oxford University, 2018, Project title: "Model simulations of reversible scavenging with regard to radiogenic Nd isotopes".

Clara Klöcker, Bachelor Geography, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2018, Bachelor thesis: "Using sortable silt to reconstruct Deep Western Boundary Current velocities". „Dietrich Barsch Award“ winner for the best Bachelor thesis in Physcial Geography, 2018.

Laura Hauck, Master Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2017, Master thesis: “Rekonstruktion der Zirkulation im westlichen Nordatlanitk über die letzten 30 ka mittels der Neodymisotopie von Blake Bahama Outer Ridge Sedimenten“.

Vanessa Kullik, Master Geology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg University, 2017, Master thesis: “Rekonstruktion der Zirkulation im NO-Atlantik der letzten 30 ka unter dem Einfluss von Mittelmeerwasser anhand der Neodymisotopie“.

Benny Antz6 , PhD Geology, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2016, PhD thesis: “Flächendeckende Analyse der atlantischen Zirkulation während der Heinrich-Ereignisse 1 & 2“.

Prisca Lehmann4 , Master Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern, 2016, Master thesis: “Separation of radioisotpes 231Pa and 230Th from natural sample material“, (now CEP, University of Bern).

Benjamin Meier3 , Master Climate Sciences, co-supervised with Samuel Jaccard, Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, 2015, Master thesis: “Evolution of the southwest Pacific across the last glacial cycle: Insights from a multi-proxy approach of biological export production“.

Jasmin Link6, Master Geography, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2015. Master thesis: "Rekonstruktion der Ozeanzirkulation im Nordatlantik während ausgewählter glazialer Terminationen der letzten 900 ka anhand von Neodymisotopen".

Evelyn Böhm1 , PhD Geology, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2014, PhD thesis: “Rekonstruktion der Atlantischen Zirkulation innerhalb des letzten Glazialen Zyklus“.

Maria Luiza L De Carvalho Ferreira1 , Bachelor Geology, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University / Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2013, Bachelor thesis: “Water mass reconstruction by Nd isotopic analysis from mid Atlantic oceanic sediments”, (now University of Bristol).

David Wichmann6Bachelor Physics, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2013, Bachelor thesis: “Untersuchung der Ozeanzirkulation vor Brasilien bis ins letzte Glazial mittels 231Pa/230Th“.

Quentas Supiramaniam1 , Diplom Physics, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2011, Diplom thesis: “Modellierung des sedimentären 231Pa/230Th im Atlantik“.

Emanuel Christner1 , Diplom Physics, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2011, Diplom thesis: “Deglaziale Beschleunigung der Zirkulation und koinzidenter Wassermassenwechsel im äquatorialen Atlantik“, (now Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, KIT).

Kerstin Bauer2 , Diplom Physics, co-supervised with Denis Scholz, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2011, Diplom thesis: “Untersuchung von diagenetisch veränderten fossilen Riffkorallen mit Pa/U am AMS und Th/U am TIMS“.

Alexander Hofmann1 , Diplom Physics, Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University, 2008, Diplom thesis: “231Pa/230Th - Ein Zirkulationstracer vor Südwest-Afrika?”.


1 co-supervised with Prof. Augusto Mangini

2 co-supervised with Prof. Denis Scholz

3 co-supervised with Prof. Samuel Jaccard

4 co-supervised with Prof. Sönke Szidat

5 co-supervised with Prof. Werner Aeschbach

6 co-supervised with Prof. Norbert Frank

7 co-supervised with Prof. Kira Rehfeld

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