


(einfache Suche)


(Freitext im Pool "Europ. KG")


(Personen: NUR Nachname)


(Kurse: Titel)

International Master of Art History and Museology

Study process

The studies commence in the Winter Term in September at the École du Louvre in Paris. The exams of the 1st and 2nd semesters, with a focus on Museology, are subject to the examination regulations of the École du Louvre. The modules of the 3rd semester and the final thesis are subject to the examination regulations of Heidelberg University. Between the two academic years, an optional internship and a study trip under binational direction are envisioned. In Paris, the language of instruction and assessment is French, in Heidelberg it is German.

Graphical illustration of the study process.

After a successful participation, the École du Louvre awards the students a Diploma of Museology and a Diploma of the deuxième cycle; the University of Heidelberg awards the "International Master’s" degree for Art History and Museology. In addition, the graduates will get a certificate from the Franco-German University. Since 2010/11, up to 15 places for applicants with Art History as their primary course of study are offered. These places divide in 7 to 8 applicants selected from Paris and 7 to 8 from Heidelberg.

Editor: Web Administrator
Latest Revision: 2023-07-03
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