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FFCFServices & Equipment


Flow Cytometers

BD FACSymphony A1: 4 lasers (405/488/561/637), 16 colors (6-2-5-3), high-throughput sampler option (96 or 384 well plates)

BD FACSCanto: 3 lasers (405/488/561), 8 colors (2-2-4), high-throughput sampler option (96 or 384 well plates)

BD FACSCanto II: 3 lasers (405/488/633), 8 colors (2-4-2)


Cell Sorters

BD FACSAria III: 4 lasers (407/488/561/633), 11 colors (3-2-4-2), tube sorting (2-way, 4-way), plate sorting

BD FACSMelody: 3 lasers (405/488/561), 8 colors (2-2-4), tube sorting (2-way, 4-way), plate sorting

Flow Cytometry Software

The facility offers access to flow cytometry software for data analysis.

  • Zum Vollbildmodus wechseln

    Content image: Equipment. The BD FACS Canto is a grey box-shaped device sitting on a white desk. On it´s right bottom edge there is a dark grey boxshaped part that seems to be retractable and holds a clear small box of samples.
  • Zum Vollbildmodus wechseln

    Content image: Equipment. photo of BD FACS Aria III, located in a plain office room with light grey floor and walls, surrounded by white cuboards with blue handles (1990s style). The cell sorter is a grey and dark blue box-shaped device, sitting on a desk. Below the desk 2 silver cylinders with cables or tubes attached from them to the device. Left of the cylinders is a white plastic gallon.. On the right hand side of the device there are two computer screens, neither is on, so they are black.