Institutions Communications and Marketing
The Communications and Marketing (KuM) department focuses on the internal and external communications of Heidelberg University. A department of the Rectorate, it provides information about the university’s activities and performance in research, teaching, student affairs and transfer. Further, it organises dialogue with the media and wider public, promoting a continuing exchange between academia and society. Its mission is to boost the visibility and drawing power of Heidelberg University internationally to attract the best and the brightest over the long term.
Addressing all areas of the university as well as the non-university public, KuM focuses on communicating the strategic goals of Heidelberg University, its sense of identity and, in particular, the academic achievements of its members. This happens through communication channels and event formats selected for the specific audience. All stakeholders within the university are tied into the respective central communication structures and processes, as are external partners. The university’s corporate design likewise supports both internal and internal identification with Ruperto Carola.

Tasks and priorities at a glance
- Developing and implementing Heidelberg University’s internal and external communication strategy
- Advising the Rectorate and members of the university in handling the media and the general public
- Press and media work
- Creating and updating the university’s social media channels
- Science communication and events for different, profiled audiences
- Developing and issuing target-group-specific publications
- Designing, implementing and maintaining the university’s central web presence, as well as relaunching and establishing the decentralised web presence
- Supporting and facilitating internal communication
- Marketing and international communication
- Implementing and further developing a uniform corporate design
- Providing services for publishing print and digital products
- Planning and conducting Rectorate events and award ceremonies as part of promoting corporate identity and corporate behaviour
- Coordinating the use of the representative rooms and locations of the university
Marietta Fuhrmann-Koch is the press officer of Heidelberg University and directs the Rectorate’s Communications and Marketing department with the following teams:
- Corporate Design and Corporate Publishing
- Web Office
- Press and Media
- Marketing and International Affairs
- Science Communication and Event Management
She is the first contact person for the Rectorate and for researchers in dialogue with the media and general public. She is also responsible for the design, implementation and further development of Ruperto Carola’s communication strategy both within and outside the university.