
Links to Mass Spectrometry Websites

Disclaimer: The author of this website is not responsible for the contents of the link-pages listed below or for the contents of any other pages linked to this website. Some links lead to commercial websites offering services and products that may not be free of charge. source for information about many analytical methods
Analytik-News provides news and links for the analytical lab MS educational resource by Andrew Guzzetta

NIST webbook; source of thermodynamic data etc.
Sci.techniques.mass-spec MS newsgroup
SpectroscopyNow from Wiley
Cavendish Laboratories, Cambridge; the historic roots of MS


IsoPro isotopic pattern calulator for Windows PC
WWW-based isotopic pattern calculator by SIS
Periodic Table - WebElements
Elemental Composition Calculator, University at Albany, NY

MS and Analytical

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (ABC)
Analytical Chemistry (Anal. Chem.)
Clinical Mass Spectrometry (CMS)
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry (EJMS)
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (IJMS)
Journal of Mass Spectrometry (JMS)
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (JASMS)
Mass Spectrometry (Mass Spectrom.)
Mass Spectrometry Reviews (Mass Spectrom. Rev.)
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (RCM)

MS Societies

American Society for Mass Spectrometry, ASMS
Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry Inc., ANZSMS

Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry, BSMS
Brazilian Society for Mass Spectrometry, BrMASS
British Mass Spectrometry Society, BMSS

Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry, CSMS
Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society, CMSS
Czech Society for Mass Spectrometry, CSMS

Danish Society for Mass Spectrometry, DSMS
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS
Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry, NVMS

Finish Society for Mass Spectrometry, FMSS
French Society for Mass Spectrometry, SFSM
Hong Kong Society for Mass Spectrometry, HKSMS

Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry, ISMAS
International Mass Spectrometry Foundation, IMSF
Irish Mass Spectrometry Society, IMSS
Israeli Society for Mass Spectrometry, ISMS
Italian Mass Spectrometry Society, IMaSS
Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan, MSSJ
Norwegian Society for Mass Spectrometry, NSMS

Polish Mass Spectrometry Society, PTSM
Singapore Society for Mass Spectrometry, SSMS
South African Association for Mass Spectrometry, SAAMS
Spanish Society for Mass Spectrometry, SEEM
Swedish Mass Spectrometry Society, SMSS
Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry, SGMS
Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry, TSMS

National Institute of Standards, NIST 
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope, ASI

Instrument Manufacturers
and MS Supplies

Agilent mass spectrometry, separation etc.
AMD Intectra mass spectrometers
Applied Biosystems mass spectrometers for bio-MS and more
BME, Bergmann Messgeräte Entwicklung TOF-MS
Bruker Daltonik GmbH mass spectrometers from bio to elemental
ETP electron multipliers
GenTech Scientific recycled mass spectrometers
GSG Analytical Instruments mass spectrometers and other analytical instruments

InProcessInstruments, IPI, gas analysis in industry and laboratory
Ionicon Analytik instruments for PTR-MS
IonSense DART ion sources for various instrument brands
JEOL USA mass spectrometers, NMR, ESCA, XPR, ...
Kratos Analytical mass spectrometers and ESCA
Leco Instruments mass spectrometers and other analytical instruments
Linden CMS equipment for FI-, FD- and LIFDI-MS

MasCom Technologies instruments, service and repair, consumables
MassTech atmospheric pressure MALDI ion sources
MS Vision supply of second hand mass spectrometers and maintenance
MS Wil supply of spares, consumables and specialty ion sources
New Objective, nanoESI supplies

Planet Orbitrap a website by Thermo Fisher Scientific about Orbitraps
Prosolia DESI interfaces
Scientific Instrument Services, SIS general supply
Shimadzu Deutschland mass spectrometers, GC, HPLC...
Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers and other instruments
Tofwerk time-of-flight instruments, IMS-TOF, custom TOF analyzers
Waters mass spectrometers and chromatographic equipment

Vacuum Companies

Adixen (Alcatel) Vacuum Technology
Apiezon vacuum grease
Edwards Vacuum
Ilmvac Vacuum Technology, Ilmenau
Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
Nye Lubricants for high vacuum applications
Pfeiffer Vacuum Technology
Vacom GmbH vacuum technique and supply
World Wide Vacuum Page, a non-commercial info page



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