
Invited Talks and Courses


38) Jürgen H. Gross “The Complex Interplay of Separation Techniques, Ionization Methods, Mass Analyzers, and Tandem MS Modes”, Advances in Food & Beverage Analysis, online conference by Glostem, Chandigarh, India, Oct. 25, 2024.

37) Jürgen H. Gross, "A 35-year journey through mass spectrometry in 35 minutes: About personal interest, fate, career (?), and some devotion to MS", 4th DGMS Young Scientists Fall Meeting, Hünfeld, Sep. 18–20, 2024.

36) Mathias H. Linden, H. Bernhard Linden, Raphael Bühler, Jürgen H. Gross „Field Ionization, Field Desorption and Liquid Injection Field Desorption/Ionization: Fundamentals, Techniques, Applications, and Prospects“, Workshop, 55. DGMS-Jahrestagung, Freising, March 10–13, 2024.

35) Jürgen H. Gross, “Anwendungen des Autoflex Speed in der organisch-chemischen Analytik“, Bruker Daltonik Massenspektrometrie-Anwendertreffen, online conference, Mar. 5, 2021.

34) Jürgen H. Gross, “Five years of AccuTOF GCx operation in direct probe electron ionization, field ionization, and liquid injection field desorption/ionization modes”, LC GC and JEOL AccuTOF GCx online seminar, Dec. 9, 2020.

33) Jürgen H. Gross, “Principles and Applications of Direct Analysis in Real Time-Mass Spectrometry”, Online Meeting, Exzellenz-Cluster Understanding Written Artefacts, Hamburg, Oct. 16, 2020.

32) Mathias H. Linden, H. Bernhard Linden, Jürgen H. Gross „Field Ionization, Field Desorption and Liquid Injection Field Desorption/Ionization: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Applications“, Workshop, 53. DGMS-Jahrestagung, Münster, March 1-4, 2020.


31) Jürgen H. Gross, “Principles and Selected Applications of Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry", Institutskolloquium, Institut für Medizinische Physik und Biophysik, Universität Leipzig, June 7, 2019.

30) Jürgen H. Gross, “Fundamentals, Instrumentation, and Applications of Field Ionization and Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry”, Seminar R. Zimmermann group, Univ. Rostock, Dec. 18, 2018.

29) Jürgen H. Gross and O. David Sparkman, "Two-Day Short Course on Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry", preceding the 22nd International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy, Aug. 26-31, 2018.

28) Jürgen H. Gross, “Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications of Field Ionization, Field Desorption and Liquid Injection Field Desorption/Ionization”, Seminar R. Zenobi group, ETH Zürich, June 7, 2018.

27) Jürgen H. Gross, “Comparison of field desorption and laser desorption mass spectrometry for the characterization of compounds for organic electronics”, Sony Europe, Stuttgart Technology Center, Jan. 18, 2018.

26) Jürgen H. Gross and O. David Sparkman, "Two-Day Short Course on Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry", preceding the 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Toronto, Canada, Aug. 20-26, 2016.

25) Jürgen H. Gross „Still Going Strong: Electron Ionization and the Metamorphosis of Technical Implementations of Sample Introduction and Mass Analysis“, LECO Workshop on Use of Direct Probe with HighRes TOF-MS, Berlin, June 14, 2016.

24) Jürgen H. Gross, Gang Zhang, Dorothee Schindler, Thorsten Lohr, Daniel Beaudoin, Sven Elbert, Daniel Nikitka, Michael Mastalerz "Wie man mit einem Autoflex Käfigen das Fliegen beibringt", Bruker MS-Anwendertreffen, Kassel, Mar. 14-15, 2016.

23) Jürgen H. Gross, "Direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry applied to the analysis of polydimethylsiloxanes from common baking utensils and food” BMSS Special Interest Group Meeting on Ambient MS, Keele University, Jan. 19-20, 2016.


22) Jürgen H. Gross, "From Conventional Mass Analyzers to Modern Hybrid Instruments", Select Bio Conference on Applications of Mass Spectrometry, Hyderabad, India, Nov. 20, 2014.

21) Jürgen H. Gross and O. David Sparkman, "Two-Day Short Course on Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry", preceding the 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, Aug. 23-24, 2014.

20) Jürgen H. Gross, "Ein Jahr DART-MS in der organisch-chemischen Analytik", KR-Analytical Lunch-Seminar, 47. DGMS Jahrestagung, Frankfurt/Main, March 2-5, 2014.

19) Jürgen H. Gross and O. David Sparkman, "Two-Day Short Course on Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry", preceding the 19th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 15-16, 2012.

18) J. H. Gross, "Soft ionization by strong electric fields: field ionization, field desorption, and liquid injection field desorption/ionization", tutorial lecture at LECO, St. Joseph, MI, Sep. 4, 2012.

17) J. H. Gross, H. Bernhard Linden and Michael Karas, "Desorption Ionization – An Introduction to FD and MALDI", Workshop preceding the Joint 45. DGMS and PTSM Conference, Poznan, Poland, March 4-7, 2012.

16) J. H. Gross „Felddesorption an FT-ICR-Massenspektrometern: ein attraktiver Exot“, FT-MS Fachgruppentagung der DGMS, Kiel, Sep. 22, 2011.

15) J. H. Gross, "Aktivierungsmethoden in der FT-ICR-MS", DGMS-Workshop Grundlagen der Massenspektrometrie - ausgewählte Themen, mit M. Schäfer (Chair), D. Kuck, M. Mormann, Halle, March 7, 2010.


14) Jürgen H. Gross and O. David Sparkman, "Two-Day Short Course on Organic Mass Spectrometry", preceding the 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Bremen, Aug. 29-30, 2009.

13) J. H. Gross, "Analyse kleiner Moleküle mit ESI und MALDI an einem FT-ICR-Massenspektrometer", Merck Symposium Massenspektrometrie, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Nov. 20, 2008.

12) J. H. Gross, "ESI- und MALDI-FT-ICR-Analyse kleiner Moleküle", Bruker-Seminartour 'Mass Spectrometry Solutions for Life Science Research', Heidelberg, Sep. 10, 2008.

11) J. H. Gross, "Ionisation, Anregung und Fragmentierung oder Wie alt wird ein Ion im Massenspektrometer?", DGMS-Workshop Grundlagen der Massenspektrometrie - ausgewählte Themen, mit M. Mormann (Chair), D. Kuck, M. Schäfer, Gießen, March 2, 2008.

10) J. H. Gross, "LIFDI - Felddesorption im Aufbruch zu neuen Anwendungen"; invited talk, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Sep. 27, 2007.

9) J. H. Gross, "Liquid Injection Field Desorption (LIFDI)- Eine Prototyp-LIFDI-Einheit am JEOL JMS-700", Workshop on Field Desorption, Chair H. B. Linden, J. R. Wesener, 39. DGMS-Tagung, Mainz, March 5-8, 2006.

8) J. H. Gross, "About Charged Droplets and Gas Phase Ions - Six Facets of Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry"; invited talk, 10th ISMAS Conference, Munnar, Kerala, India, 2006.

7) J. H. Gross, "Fourier Transform-Ionencyclotronresonanz, CID, IRMPD und ECD", Thermo LC-MS User's Meeting, Grundlagen-Workshop mit M. Schäfer, Marburg, 2005.


6) J. H. Gross, "Ionisationsmethoden, Quadrupol-Analysatoren, Anregung und Fragmentierung", Thermo LC-MS User's Meeting, Workshop: Grundlagen der LC-MS mit M. Schäfer, Göttingen, 2004.

5) J. H. Gross, "Ionenbildung, Anregung und Fragmentierung bei EI, CI und MALDI", DGMS-Workshop Grundlagen der Massenspektrometrie, Chair D. Kuck, Leipzig, 2004.

4) J. H. Gross, Stoßaktivierungsmethoden in der Massenspektrometrie - ein Blick über den Tellerrand der TOF-MS, Bruker MALDI-TOF Anwendertreffen, München, 2001.

3) J. H. Gross, Felddesorptions-Massenspektrometrie - das fünfte Rad am Wagen?, Seminar des Inst. Anal. Chem. der Uni Leipzig, AK S. Berger, 2000.


2) J. H. Gross, LT-FAB-MS: Neue analytische Möglichkeiten in der Fast-Atom Bombardment-Massenspektrometrie durch Tieftemperatur-Meßtechnik, Kolloquium des Inst. Org. Chem. der Uni zu Köln, AK A. Berkessel, 1998.

1) J. H. Gross, Felddesorptions-Massenspektrometrie - Beitrag zur Renaissance einer Methode, FAWI-Analytik-Seminar, Merck KGaA, 1997.


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