
ERASMUS Incoming - FormalitiesStudies and Enrolment

Nomination, Registration, Admission, Enrolment



Step 1: Nomination by the partner university

If you want to study at the University of Heidelberg as an Erasmus student, your home university must nominate you for an Erasmus exchange.

The subject coordinators of your home university carry out the selection procedure.  They must nominate you in accordance with the valid inter-institutional Erasmus agreements by the nomination deadline (15 May for the winter semester and 15 November for the summer semester).


Step 2: Registration in Mobility-Online

After we have received your nomination, our Erasmus office will email you the links to register in our application portal Mobility-Online:

  1. You must fill in an online form and create your personal Mobility-Online account.
  2. After you have logged into Mobility-Online with your new password and completed the online form, you can download the form “Application and Immatriculation” from Mobility-Online.
  3. You must upload this fully completed and signed form back into your Mobility-Online account.
  4. In addition, you must upload your passport photo.

The deadline for completing your Mobility registration is 15 June for the winter semester and 15 December for the summer semester.

In separate emails, you will receive further information on accommodation options and the preparatory German course.


Step 3: Admission

After you have registered in Mobility-Online, we will check your data.

If all information is entered correctly, the Mobility-Online portal will automatically issue your Letter of Admission. You will receive an automatic e-mail with a notification that your admission letter is ready for download. 

The Letter of Admission is the authorisation to enrol at the University for the subject(s) or degree programme(s) for which we have received your nomination. It is a computer printout containing your personal student data as well as your subject or combination of subjects. As a rule, it issued only for one semester in which you begin your studies at the University. 

A certificate with concrete data of your mobility (e.g. for visa purposes) will be issued by our Erasmus Office upon request.


Step 4: Enrolment

Enrolment is the process of registering for a specific study subject at the University. You do not have to be present in person in Heidelberg for your enrolment.

About a month before the official start of the semester, you will receive important information about your enrolment as PDF files that you can download from your Mobility-Online account:

  • One of these files, the “enrolment note”, contains your personal matriculation number as well as the detailed information for transferring the semester fee.
  • The second file is a password letter containing your unique password (activation code) for activating your LSF account. From this point on you can use the University’s central information system LSF (Lehre-Studium-Forschung) for course registration.

You will also receive further information from our Erasmus office by email. Among other things, this email will explain how to obtain your student ID card.

In order to receive your student ID card, you have to submit the following documents to the student administration’s "Team International Students": 

  • Proof of your health insurance

A German statutory health insurance company will send your health insurance proof directly to the University via the electronic registration procedure. You must contact a German statutory health insurance company of your choice yourself and show them your already purchased health insurance or your valid EHIC/GHIC card. When contacting the statutory health insurance company, please request the electronic transmission of your health insurance status “Meldung M10” to the Heidelberg University.

  • Information about your address in Heidelberg (e.g. a copy of the page of your tenancy agreement showing your address)
  • Copy of your passport or your national ID card (for EU citizens)

You must submit your address and a copy of your passport by mail or drop them in the mailbox of the student administration building (Seminarstraße 2, addressed to "Team International Students ").

Only after the university administration’s “Team International Students” has received all the required documents from you and the data has been processed, will you be contacted to collect your student ID. If you prefer to have your student ID card sent to you by post, please make a note of this when you hand in your documents.

Important: The enrolment will only be completed after the payment of the semester fee and the submission of the above mentioned documents (copy of passport or identity card and notification of health insurance). With the enrolment as an Erasmus exchange student, you will acquire a membership of Heidelberg University limited to one or two semesters.


Fees for study

All students, including exchange students, must pay a fee for study. Currently, the amount of the contribution is € 81.05 per semester. Exchange students are exempt from the fee for administrative costs.

Required documents

Learning Agreement

In the Learning Agreement you agree on your study plan with your home university and the subject coordinators of Heidelberg University. Therefore, the Learning Agreement must be signed by your Erasmus departmental coordinator (and not by the Erasmus Institutional Coordinator). You can find a complete overview of the courses offered by all faculties in the university's general course catalogue.

The individual institutes usually also publish annotated course catalogues in which all offered courses are listed with detailed descriptions including a bibliography. The annotated course catalogues are particularly helpful for arranging courses and assessing credit points. They can be obtained from the institutes or from the subject coordinators, and in some cases also directly on the internet via the homepages of the departments.

Transcript of Records

At the end of their stay, exchange students can obtain a Transcript of Records to certify their academic achievements completed at Heidelberg University. In this document, students list the courses they have attended. The Erasmus departmental coordinator will sign the document after submission of the certificates.