University Senate of Universität Heidelberg Decides to Found a Combined Medical Faculty

23 June 2023

In the context of the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim, the Innovation Campus Strategy of the State of Baden-Württemberg, and in view of the planned merging of the two university hospitals Heidelberg and Mannheim, the Senate of Heidelberg University has unanimously decided to found a Combined Medical Faculty. This step is intended to pave the way for an amalgamation of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg and Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University into a Medical Faculty of Heidelberg University at two locations. The amalgamation of the faculties is to take place after the contract for the hospital merger, which is expected to be completed by mid-2024, has been signed.

The Combined Medical Faculty, as the institutional transition, is basically tasked with devising a common structural and development plan, coordinated between the two faculties, and preparing for the next steps needing to be taken before they amalgamate. First of all, the two deans of the Medical Faculties will draft a proposed statute for the Combined Faculty, to be adopted at the next meeting of the Senate on 26 September 2023.

In its decision of 13 June, the Senate also reaffirmed the expectation that the number of places for medical students at the Heidelberg and Mannheim locations would remain stable for the foreseeable future and, likewise, that the degree courses would continue at the two locations. In addition, the Senate expects that the respective state funds will continue to be available without cutbacks for the two faculties after the amalgamation into one faculty at the two locations, and that the planned or already financed construction schemes of the Medical Faculties at the Heidelberg and Mannheim locations will be implemented.