
Lecture series on the Professionalisation of Translation: Bridging Theory and Practice 
Lecture Series for the Master's Programme


Lecture series on the Professionalisation of Translation: Bridging Theory and Practice 


The programme for the current semester and the archive can be found on the German version of this page.

Every winter semester since 2007, the Institute for Translation and Interpreting has offered a lecture series on the Professionalisation of Translation: Bridging Theory and Practice. This lecture series is part of the curriculum for the undergraduate degree programme in Translation Studies.

Every week, different academics and business professionals give a 90-minute talk on a current topic from the field of translatology. The lecture series presents a more practice-oriented approach toward education at the institute and provides current students with an insight into the various professional fields and aspects of translation and interpreting. The lecture series is an opportunity for speakers from public and private institutions, businesses, and organisations to present their work and projects to a broad audience.

Particular emphasis is placed on presenting a wide range of diverse topics. Over the past few years, the series has hosted speakers from the following entities: ministries, authorities and public institutions (such as Germany’s Federal Foreign Office, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Federal Language Office, Federal Ministry of Defence and the Brazilian Embassy); international organisations (European Commission, European Economic and Social Committee / Committee of the Regions); economic enterprises (software manufacturer SAP, Daimler, Allianz, Roche Diagnostics, Boehringer Ingelheim, Acolada and ARTE); representatives from other academic institutions (University of Heidelberg, University of Mainz/Germersheim, University of Dusseldorf, University of Applied Sciences Cologne and University of Zurich); translation companies (SDL, Transline, Euroscript, EXACT! and medax); freelance professionals and representatives from professional organisations such as the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ) or from Europe’s largest association for technical communication (Tekom).

Previously discussed topics include:

  • language services within the different institutions
  • the practical use of tools such as TM systems, tools for terminology research and management, localization software and machine translation programmes
  • subareas of specialised translation: the translation of audiovisual, literary, economic, financial, legal and medical texts, and technical documentation
  • the visualisation of workflows and processes such as quality and research management
  • the importance of specialisation and the establishment of an online-presence for translators and interpreters, as well as vocational topics such as business start-up courses and market positioning

The lectures are held at the institute’s lecture hall (IUED room HS 211), which provides room for up to 250 people. The general public is also welcome to attend.


Course Organisation

Coordinators: Simona Füger (simona.fueger@iued.uni-heidelberg.de)


Lecture Series for the Master's Programme


Current Issues in Linguistics and Translation Studies, Thursdays, 14:15

The programme for the current semester and the archive can be found on the German version of this page. 

Every summer semester, the Institute for Translation and Interpreting offers a lecture series on different academic topics. It is part of the curriculum for the Master's in Conference Interpreting and the Master's in Translation Studies (2nd semester), but it is also open to students and lecturers with an interest in the specific topics.

The weekly talks last 90 minutes and are held by different academics and researchers who cover various academic topics within the fields of translation and interpreting and translation-related linguistics. While some talks focus on specific research topics and methods, others outline fundamental models and current related research projects. The talks provide the students and other participants with an opportunity for scientific debate. Questions, comments and suggestions are both welcomed and encouraged.

The wide spectrum of topics and methodologies presented in the Ringvorlesung complements the academic curriculum of both Master's programmes and provides students with possible subject matter for their own Master's dissertations and corresponding oral exams.

The material related to the talks and information on the requirements for successfully completing the course can be accessed via Moodle: Moodle-Course.


Course Organisation

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Kunz (kerstin.kunz@iued.uni-heidelberg.de)

Dr. Annika Straube (annika.straube@iued.uni-heidelberg.de




Responsible: Webmaster
Latest Revision: 2025-02-24
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