The programme receives funding by the DAAD with means of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).


Our MATEM/MAFK international double master's degree in cooperation with the University of Salamanca, was ranked second in the renowned list of the best master's degrees in Spain by the newspaper El Mundo in the category of "Editing and Translation".

Since this list includes interpreting programs, our program ranks as the most prestigious master's degree in translation in Spain during this academic year.

To the IÜD professors and students of the Faculty of Translation and Documentation of Salamanca and the University of Heidelberg:




El Mundo, 07/2021

Interview with programme students in the Unispiegel 2/2019

La Gaceta, 12/2018

El País

Unispiegel, 01/2018


Vanesa Rodríguez M.A. & Charlotte Blattner M.A.

Coordination international programme version MA TCL “Specialised Translation and Cultural Mediation” as a Double Degree programme

Institute for Translation and Interpreting (IÜD)

Heidelberg University

Plöck 57a

D-69117 Heidelberg

Phone: +49 6221 547262



International programme version MA TCL “Specialised Translation and Cultural Mediation” as a Double Degree programme


Doppelabschluss Iued Salamancagrafik

One programme, two continents, two degrees



Universität Heidelberg

Heidelberg University, founded in 1386 and thus being Germany’s oldest university is now attended by around 30 000 students. With its student spirit, the city of Heidelberg forms the lively centre of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, which is characterised by a high density of commercial enterprises and research institutions with a strong development potential. Together with the university they form an international competitive research network leading to a multitude of cooperation opportunities. The university’s global network makes internationality and internationalisation two of its principal characteristics.

The Institute for Translation and Interpreting (IÜD) 

The IÜD looks back on a long tradition of teaching and research and ranks now as a modern institution that prepares its students for the successful start to their professional careers. The IÜD cooperates with more than 20 countries all over the planet and has its own internship centre. Moreover, the institute collaborates closely with the Heidelberg Center  for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) of the Heidelberg University, which promotes the academic exchange with Ibero-America and strengthens the networks to the corresponding academic and economic areas.


Universidad de Salamanca

Awarded the Campus of International Excellence status for teaching and research in Spanish and biosciences, the USAL corresponds to its motto for “innovation for 800 years”. More than 30 000 students attend its degree and doctoral programmes each year. The results in teaching and research make the USAL one of the internationally top ranked universities. With its welcoming and dynamic atmosphere, Salamanca is the city par excellence to immerse oneself into the Spanish language and culture. Furthermore, a multitude of career and development opportunities arise from the USAL’s active cooperation with organisations, institutions, and enterprises in Spain and abroad.

The Department for Translation and Interpreting

The USAL’s institute for translation and interpreting is part of the faculty for translation and documentation and offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well as doctorate programmes. It is marked by a relatively recent past. More than thirty lecturers and researchers have contributed significantly to the advancement of translation studies and neighbouring disciplines as well as to the establishment of the institute’s solid national and international position today.



Two degrees

After acquiring 120 ECTS credits, the students will be awarded the two following university degrees:

•    Master of Arts in Translation, Communication, Language Technology (Universität Heidelberg)
•    Master in Translation and Cultural Mediation (Universidad de Salamanca)

The international programme variation as a Double Degree is characterised by a strong internationality, interculturality and interdisciplinarity. Students are ideally prepared both for their entry into the professional world and for an academic career.

Main contents
•    Specialised translation: Law and economics, media and editorial translation
•    Linguistics, culture and translation studies
•    New technologies: localisation, terminology management systems, computer assisted translation (CAT)
•    Intercultural communication
•    Practical activities in Germany and abroad


Acquired competences

  • Ability to solve complex tasks in specialised translation
  • Professional, conscious, and sensitive approach to new media and information technologies 
  • Ability to select and apply advanced strategies for the successful management of intercultural issues
  • Transfer of the profound theoretical knowledge on translation, language, and cultural studies, also interacting with neighbouring disciplines, both to translation practice and scientific work

Professional perspective

  • Employment in cultural mediation in the German, Spanish, and English language, culture, and economic area
  • Employment in translation departments of large companies, national and international organisations, and institutions
  • Freelance translator
  • Terminology management, software localisation
  • Cultural consulting
  • Senior position in the field of intercultural communication
  • Organisation and management in industry, as well as in national and international institutions and universities
  • Occupation in research, science and university teaching, binational doctorate



Poster Specialised Translation and Cultural Mediation

Brochure Specialised Translation and Cultural Mediation (German)

Brochure Specialised Translation and Cultural Mediation (Spanish)


For more information, please send an email to to make an appointment for a personal consultation.
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Latest Revision: 2024-06-11
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