Internship Office


The Internship Office at the Institute for Translation and Interpreting helps students to find suitable work placements and provides them with information about potential career opportunities. Interdisciplinary work placement positions enable students to not only improve their language skills but also acquire valuable practical experience. Your compulsory internship, the one-week-internship and stays abroad according to module comprehensive competences can be recognised in the Internship Office.

Please only hand in your documents for the Internship Office via Moodle. You can also access your completed documents via Moodle.


The path to a successful work placement




Office Hours

 Please find the office hours on LSF


The Internship Office on Moodle

You can find the Internship Office on the e-learning platform Moodle under "Praktika-Center". We use Moodle to manage the processes for work placements and stays abroad. You can download the necessary internship agreements before the start of your internship and upload them again after filling them in. After having completed the compulsory internship or the one-week-internship, please complete the online questionnaire (mandatory for the compulsory internship). In addition, upload your certificates and reports (for the one-week-internship and stays abroad as well as the BA TSIT) to Moodle. You can also access your completed documents via Moodle. 

Furthermore, you can find information on potential work placements on Moodle and we provide you with reports from the one-week-internships as well as reports in which other students share their experiences from stays abroad.

Responsible: Webmaster
Latest Revision: 2024-06-24
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