Anna Stähle
Anna Stähle started working for the research group “The Transcultural Heritage of Northwest Australia: Dynamics and Resistances” within the Transcultural Studies Research Area of Heidelberg University in October 2016 as a student assistant. She supports the team in research, organizational and teaching matters.
Since November 2017 Anna Stähle also works as IT-Hiwi for the transcultural research groups.
Transcultural Studies
Universität Heidelberg
Marstallstr. 6
69117 Heidelberg
Office: Room 316
Curriculum Vitae
- Since October 2016: Master’s Program in Anthropology at the University of Heidelberg with a main Focus on Medical and Organisational Anthropology.
- September 2016: Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology (Ethnology) from the University of Heidelberg. B.A. Thesis: “Ethnology and Health Care: Annemarie Mol´s theoretical contribution to a possible improvement in health care and an example of implementing such ideas into practice ”
- July 2010: Graduated highschool, Mathilde-Weber Schule Tübingen (Biotechnologisches Gymnasium; 3 years) Seminar thesis: “Krebs bei Kindern” (Children with Cancer) July 2007: Graduated junior high school, Schönbein Realschule Metzingen.
Work Experience:
- Since April 2018: Student assistant for the MEDISS Promotionsprogramm, Medical Facility Heidelberg
- Since November 2017: IT student assistant for Dr. Jenny Oesterle, Dr. Carsten Wergin and Dr Anne Brüske
- April -July 2017: Teaching assistant for Prof. William Sax during the lecture “Introduction to Anthropology” at the Institute of Anthropology, University of Heidelberg.Tutorials given in german and english language.
- Since October 2016: Student assistant for Dr. Carsten Wergin in the research group “The Transcultural Heritage of Northwest Australia: Dynamics and Resistances” within the Transcultural Studies Research Area of Heidelberg University.
- March 2015 – March 2016: Student assistant for Prof. Dr. William Sax at the Southasianinstitute, department of Anthropology, University of Heidelberg.
- Since Juli 2015: Temporary job at the doctors´s office Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Greten, “Deutsche Gesellschaft für traditionelle chinesische Medizin e.V”, Heidelberg.
- April - July 2014: Teaching assistant for the lecture “Sozialethnologie” (Social Anthropology) at the Institute of Anthropology, University of Heidelberg.
- May 20111- May 2012: Work and Travel Experience in Canada; 8 month employment as living in assistant at a community for disabled people at L´Arche Daybreak, Richmond Hill, CA.