Archives and Paleography Lab (APL)
Disciplined Interdisciplinarity
The Archives and Paleography Lab (APL), hosted jointly by IWR and TS, aims at forming a task force for the quicker and more efficient processing of archivial resources through use of scientific computing (visualisation and numerical geometry) and use of data mining/prospecting techniques to evaluate the digitalized data. Furthermore, APL aims at restoring deteriorated archivial data by computational methods in cooperation with the State Archive in Venice. In September 2010, a two-week-long workshop undertook first steps in the digital reconstruction of corrupted Archival resources from the State Archive of Venice". A further excursion to Venice was organized in March 2012.
Coordination: Georg Christ
Susanne Krömker, Georg Christ, Tino Licht, Franz Julius Morche, Andrea Mozzato
Digital postprocessing for historians
A Cooperation between the group Trading Diasporas and the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences giving history students a first introduction in the use of photo editing software. [...]
Introduction to Venetian palaeography and archival studies March 2012
Program, see also below
Digital postprocessing for historians
A Cooperation between the group Trading Diasporas and the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences giving history students a first introduction in the use of photo editing software. [...]
Introduction to Venetian palaeography and archival studies March 2012
Program, see also below
Introduction to Venetian palaeography and archival studies September 2012
The goal is to give the Participants a short outline about venetian and italian palaeography, archival system and organisation in preparation of the forthcoming excursion to Venice. [...]
The acquired knowledge will be useful exploring the Archivio di Stato di Venezia (ASVe) and historical primary sources therein. On the agenda is also the city Venice itself and its history. [Photo]