
"Historians and Historical Research at Iraqi Universities. A Survey".
The German Federal Ministry of Education (Bmbf) funds a project by Bashar Ibrahim and Jenny Oesterle (both members of the Arab German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities)
[more info]


Dr. Carsten Wergin contributed a session on 'Listening Carefully' to the Radical Hope Syllabus. The group-sourced syllabus is intended as a resource for anyone interested in environmental issues - and how we, collectively and/or individually, might respond to them [more info]


Dr. Corinna Erckenbrecht (assoziiertes Mitglied der Nachwuchsforschergruppe Das transkulturelle Erbe Nordwest-Australiens) ist seit Mai 2018 neue Leiterin der Abteilung Weltkulturen und ihre Umwelt an den rem | Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen in Mannheim.

[mehr infos]


Jenny Oesterle organizes together with Prof. Dr. Susanne Lachenicht a section on the 52. deutschen Historikertag in Münster on the subject of  "Flight and Asylum from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period - transcultural perspectives" [more]



Dr. Jenny Rahel Oesterle and Dr. Carsten Wergin talk about their research in Open Access Video Journal Latest Thinking:


How Can Australian Indigenous Experience Change Western Perspectives of the World?


How Does Tourism Change People and Places?



Der Ruf des Schneckenhorns
Hermann Klaatsch (1863 – 1916). Ein Heidelberger Wissenschaftler in Nordwestaustralien




Russischsprachige Bevölkerung in Osteuropa – von der Titularnation zur Minderheit
Demokratische Transformation und gesellschaftliche Integration im Baltikum und in der Ukraine





Water, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia
Epistemologies, Practices and Locales

Water, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia

Edited by Ravi Baghel, Lea Stepan, Joseph K.W. Hill

[more info]


Lustre: Pearling and Australia


Edited by Tanya Edwards, Sarah Yu

[more info]



Anthropology in/of Australia Past and Present

as part of the Lecture Series
Introduction to Australian Studies:
(Trans-)Disciplinary Perspectives

Dr. Carsten Wergin

20 June 2017, University of Cologne

[more info]



The Trouble with Representation: Australian Indigenous World(view)s and the "White Magic" of Modernity

Dr. Carsten Wergin

06 April 2017, University of Western Australia

[more Info]


Curtin Indigenous Research Network Lecture Series:

Heritage, Transculturality and Collections: New Research from Germany and the Kimberley,

30 March 2017, Curtin University, Perth

[more info]


International Workshop:

"Refugee transfers in the Euro- Arab Mediterranean zone:
Tying the past with the present
Towards a transregional and transhistorical understanding in times of crises"

(10-12 April 2017 Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon)

organized by

Dr. Jenny Oesterle (Research Group "Protection in Periods of Political and Religious Expansion) in cooperation with Dr. Tamirace Fakhoury (Lebanese American
University, Byblos) and the Arab German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities


Collaborations of Biocultural Hope: Community Science Against Industrialisation in Northwest Australia


Dr. Carsten Wergin

[mehr Infos]


Expansion und Aktivitäten des Mercedarier-Ordens im Andenraum des 16. Jahrhunderts

Dr. Maret Keller

Anden Diss - Keller

​(Dissertationsschrift Universität Heidelberg 2013), URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-heidok-187295


Dancehall und Homophobie
Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf die Geschichte und Kultur Jamaikas
Patrick HelberDancehall

​05/2015, 304 Seiten, kart.
ISBN 978-3-8376-3109-8

[weitere infos]


Materialities of Tourism
Special Issue of Tourist Studies (2014, 14/3)Guest-editors Stephen Muecke and Carsten Wergin




Caribbean Food Cultures
Culinary Practices and Consumption in the Caribbean and Its Diasporas
Food Cultures Transcript

05/2014, 306 pages,
ISBN 978-3-8376-2692-6
[for more information]

Group Announcements

Colloquium: Karibik-Nordamerika und zurück.

Dr. Anne Brüske

SoSe 2013
Donnerstags 10:00 -12:00
R. 319, Marstallstr. 6



Colloquium: Karibik-Nordamerika und zurück. Raumkonzepte und Methodendiskussion

Dr. Anne Brüske

SoSe 2012 Thursday 11:00 am
Room 319, Marstallstr. 6


Luis Buñuels Werk zwischen Surrealismus, Psychoanalyse und Gesellschaftskritik

Dr. Anne Brüske

WS 2012/2013

Blocks: 14./15.9. and 17./18.9.2012, 09:00–15:30 h




De las dos orillas - Kubanisches Gegenwartstheater innerhalb und außerhalb Kubas

Dr. Anne Brüske

WS 2011/2012

Wednesday 10-12 h



From the Caribbean to North America and Back

Processes of Transculturation in Literature, Popular Culture and the New Media

The Caribbean has been a zone of extreme cultural encounters between indigenous, European, African, Asian and Arabic peoples. This phenomenon emerged in the course of colonization, slave trade and general migration. Today, the Caribbean has changed towards a zone of emigration. Very often, the land of preferred choice appears to be the United States of America, which continues to gain political and economic influence in the Caribbean region. Moreover, the US is a relatively heterogeneous cultural space.

The working group endeavors to analyze the processes of cultural exchange in literature, popular culture and the new media in the transnational space comprised of the Caribbean, the Caribbean "Diasporas" and North America. Starting point of the analysis are the ties between the Caribbean archipelago and the United States in the 20th and 21st century. The main focus will be on new links in and due to cultural modes of expressions in the major immigration hubs in North America and their repercussions on “original” Caribbean cultures, a process initiated by circular migration patterns and improved communication channels.

Processes of transculturation manifest themselves in and by means of literature. This is the case if, for example, new or 'foreign' elements of contextual, aesthetic or any other language-related nature are adapted. Processes of transculturation are also present in the emergence of new literary hybrid genres or if new intertexts are being referred to. In popular music and the new media, such as web communities and blogs, similar phenomena of hybridization and (comic, heretic, and serious) adaptation can be observed.

Rex Dixon, "Go on then turn right" 2006, from the Writing Home series, medium " Collage with Gouache on watercolour paper" 12 inches x 8 inches (< Owned by Dr Patricia Saunders, Miami, FL, USA.

Rex Dixon, "Go on then turn right" 2006, from the Writing Home series, medium " Collage with Gouache on watercolour paper" 12 inches x 8 inches ( Owned by Dr Patricia Saunders, Miami, FL, USA.


I.Transcultural Spaces of Memory - Nuyorican, Dominicanyork and Haitian American Literature.

Dr. Anne Brüske, Junior Research Group Leader


II. Narratives of the Body: Coming-of-Age in Contemporary Caribbean Women's Writing in the Diaspora

 Wiebke Beushausen, research assistant


III. Between “Murder Music” and “Gay propaganda” - The media debate about homophobic dancehall lyrics in the Jamaican press

Patrick Helber, research assistant


IV. Fabrics of Indianness: The Exchange and Consumption of Clothing in Transnational Guyanese Hindu Communities

Sinah Kloß, research assistant


V. Desde las dos orilas: Cuban and Cuban-American Identity in Literature and New Media

Ana-Sofia Commichau, associated member



  • 28th - 29th September 2012Food Cultures Final S
    International Conference: "Carribean Food Cultures - Representations and Performances of Eeating, Drinking and Consumption in the Carribean and Its Diasporas"




  • July 11th 2014
    Interdisciplinary Weblog-Workshop
    „Under construction. Analyzing postcolonial weblogs with literary and computational methods”
  • January 16th 2014
    Public reading with Ruel Johnson: “Fictions” (2013) and “Collected Poems, 2002-2012” (2013).
  • 17.12.2013
    Workshop with Ruel Johnson: “Transnational Entanglements? The Locations of Guyanese Literature”
    Organized by the junior research group “From the Caribbean to North America and Back”
    Programme [PDF]
  • July 18th 2013
    Public Event: Travel, Transnationalism and Transference in Post-Independence Jamaican Art (Dr. Claudia Hucke, Munich)
  • July 11th 2013
    Public Event:
    'Nu Caribbean Feminism': Politiken von Dekolonialität und Intersektionalität der queeren kubanischen Hip-Hop-Band Las Krudas (Dr. Julia Roth)
    Reconstruction/refondation: Haiti zwischen Wiederaufbau und Neugründung (Jeanette Ehrman, Dipl.-Pol.)


Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2014-11-07
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